PUnsubmissive bodies in search of harmony of the worldortuguês


  • Ângela Beatriz de Carvalho Faria Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)




Imitation of the Exodus, Passage to Marion, contemporary Portuguese fiction, Lídia Jorge, social emancipation


This article proposes to read the short stories “Imitação do Êxodo” – Imitation of Exodus – and “Passagem para Marion” – Passage to Marion, in­serted in the collection “O amor em Lobito Bay” – The love in Lobito Bay, (2016), highlighting the aesthetic-political configuration of the renowned contemporary Portuguese writer, Lídia Jorge. Statements by the author herself about her literary craft and critical reflections by Vladimir Safatle, present in the work, ‘Em um com o impulso’ – In one with impulse, (2022), will allow us to analyze the affections and perceptions of the characters Juliana and Marion – unsubmissive bodies in search of harmony in the world – in their process of social emancipation. Both, endowed with the humanitarian and senses of justice, subvert themselves against the coercive power of the Institutions, inscribe their dream and their desire and allow themselves to hear the music of the world. Lídia Jorge’s singular discursive enunciation, when walking across the threshold, inscribes images and parables that reveal themselves as witnesses of History and of disturbing existences, capable of emerging from the shadows in all their splendor.


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Author Biography

Ângela Beatriz de Carvalho Faria, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

É Professora Associada 4 de Literatura Portuguesa da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, nos cursos de Graduação, Especialização, Mestrado e Doutorado. Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa “A (Im)possibilidade de dar corpo ao passado na arte e na narrativa dos séculos XX e XXI”. Autora de artigos e ensaios sobre a ficção portuguesa contemporânea, publicados em periódicos especializados, livros e anais de Congressos, acaba de lan­çar Alice e Penélope na ficção portuguesa contemporânea (Rio de Janeiro, Editora Oficina Raquel, 2023).


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How to Cite

Faria, Ângela B. de C. (2024). PUnsubmissive bodies in search of harmony of the worldortuguês. Converência Lusíada, 35(51), 104–126. https://doi.org/10.37508/rcl.2024.n51a1137