Fishing for pearls in the Tagus: a dive in the waters of Maremoto, by Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida


  • Clarisse Dias Pessôa Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)



Maremoto, Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida, City, Memory, Post-colonialism


This article focuses on Maremoto by Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida with the aim of analyzing how its characters move between memory and oblivion based on their relationships with the city of Lisbon. The analysis aims to reflect How Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida’s writing seeks to insert these char­acters into the city through their transits. It is in the search for these transits in the city in the work that this article takes shape. Taking as a starting point the figure of Benjamin’s flâneur, this research seeks to analyze how the book looks at the ruins of Lisbon and helps to insert other memories that are part of the history of Portugal, but that have been systematically silenced by a matrix of colonial thinking that still persists in the management of remem­bering and forget in the capital city. In addition of Walter Benjamin, studies by Julia Kristeva, Stephen Small, Stuart Hall, Roberto Vecchi and Margarida Calafate Ribeiro are going to provide theoretical support.



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Author Biography

Clarisse Dias Pessôa, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Doutoranda em Estudos de Literatura pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Mestra em Estudos Literários – subárea em Literatura Portuguesa e Literaturas Africanas de Língua Por­tuguesa, com bolsa CNPq, pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Especialista em Literatura Infantojuvenil pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Graduada em Letras Português/Inglês e respectivas literaturas pela Universidade Estácio de Sá.


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How to Cite

Dias Pessôa, C. (2024). Fishing for pearls in the Tagus: a dive in the waters of Maremoto, by Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida. Converência Lusíada, 35(52), 172–187.