The old servants in O último cais, by Helena Marques


  • Silvia Slaničková Universidade Comenius, Bratislava



Helena Marques, contemporary Portuguese fiction, Madeira Island, Servants, Family


The article intends to analyze the relationships the main female figures in the novel O último cais, by Helena Marques, maintain with their subordinates, namely with the old servants who, for several decades, have provided services in the households of Funchal’s upper bourgeois families. The objective of the article is to describe the position of the servants within the families, the reasons for their proximity to the ladies who had employed them and the consequences arising from that relationship. At the same time, it analyzes the contrast between the city environment and the maids’ roots, as well as the influence they end up having on society.


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Author Biography

Silvia Slaničková, Universidade Comenius, Bratislava

Silvia Slaničková é professora de Literatura Portuguesa na Universidade Comenius em Bratislava, Eslováquia; doutorada pela mesma universidade com a tese na área da Literatura Comparada intitulada A literatura feminina depois da Revolução dos Cravos. Dedica-se ao estudo da literatura portuguesa moderna e às traduções literárias.


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How to Cite

Slaničková, S. (2021). The old servants in O último cais, by Helena Marques. Converência Lusíada, 32(45), 84–98.