The poet and her toy-poems




Portuguese contemporary poetry, Adília Lopes, Roland Barthes, fictionalization, childhood


Reflection on the fictionalization of life in the last works of Adília Lopes, mainly through by biographemes that recreate childhood sensations. Figuration of a child poet who is playing-assembling with the poetry language by the association of autobiographical and intertextual speeches. Relation between the poetic-fictional writing of Adília with the romanesque project Vita Nova, of Roland Barthes.


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Author Biography

Paulo Alberto da Silva Sales, Instituto Federal Goiano

Desenvolve Estágio Pós-Doutoral em Estudos de Literatura na Universidade Federal Fluminense, sob supervisão da Profa. Dra. Ida Alves e Co-supervisão da Profa. Dra. Celia Pedrosa. É Docente do Instituto Federal Goiano e do PPG em Língua, Literatura e Interculturalidade, Campus Cora Coralina, da Universidade Estadual de Goiás.


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How to Cite

da Silva Sales, P. A. (2022). The poet and her toy-poems. Converência Lusíada, 33(48), 209–226.