Em busca de um ilustrado: Miguel Antônio de Melo (1766-1836)


  • Guilherme Pereira das Neves Universidade Federal Fluminense


Enlightenment, Political languages, Bahia, Angola, Mi­guel Antônio de Melo


For many years, I've been using in my classes a manuscript about Bahia kept in the Natio­nal Library of Rio de Janeiro, but bereft of signature and date. If a quote by Luís Henrique Dias Tavares identifies the author as Miguel Antônio de Melo during his stay at Salvador in 1797, it were one and another coincidence and some sporadic research that allowed me to figure out the general lines of this nobleman's life, Governar to Angola (1797-1802) and the Azares Islands (1806-1810), President of the Exchequer (1825) and the 1st Count of Múrcia (1826). Therefore, this paper intends to announce the beginning of an exam of his ideas in arder to highlight the role of a few people - bom in America as well as in Portugal - that occupied a singular place in the Portuguese Em pire of the late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century because of the enlightened political language which they knew how to employ.


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Author Biography

Guilherme Pereira das Neves, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Pesquisador 2 do CNPq, participa como pesquisador prin­cipal do Projeto PRONEX FAPERJ/CNPq coordenado por Ronaldo Vainfas e organizado em tomo do Grupo de Pesquisa intitulado "Companhia das lndias''. Sua tese foi premiada pelo Arquivo Nacional e saiu em livro em 1997.



How to Cite

Pereira das Neves, G. . (2007). Em busca de um ilustrado: Miguel Antônio de Melo (1766-1836). Converência Lusíada, 21(24), 25–41. Retrieved from https://convergencia.emnuvens.com.br/rcl/article/view/547



3º Colóquio do PPRLB - Entre Iluminados e Românticos