Frei Manuel do Cenáculo no panorama intelectual de Setecentos: o Erudito e o Mecenas


  • Manuela D. Domingos Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal


Fr. Manuel do Cenáculo (1724-1814), first public libraries of Portugal, sponsoring activities


The purpose is to analyse the life of Fr. Manuel do Cenáculo as a bishop, historian, statesman and reformer of the Portuguese Eighteenth-century. His leadership in all teaching reforms is also mentioned, as well as initiatives on archaeology and as bibliophilist. The essay explo­res the correspondence between the bishop Cenáculo and several erudite people -specially book's collectors in connection with the printing and edition movement in Europe- and un­derlines his splendid activity as sponsor and founder of the first public libraries in Portugal, namely the Real Biblioteca Pública da Corte ( 1796) as well as the libraries of Beja and Évora.


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Author Biography

Manuela D. Domingos, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

Manuela Domingos é Assessora-Principal da Biblioteca Nacional (Portugal). Investigadora nos domínios da História do livro e das bibliotecas, tendo publicado numerosos trabalhos nessas áreas.



How to Cite

D. Domingos, M. (2007). Frei Manuel do Cenáculo no panorama intelectual de Setecentos: o Erudito e o Mecenas. Converência Lusíada, 21(24), 42–66. Retrieved from



3º Colóquio do PPRLB - Entre Iluminados e Românticos