"Muito d'Alma" ... a amizade literária entre João do Rio e João de Barros, cartas de 1912 a 1921


  • Claudia Poncioni Université de Paris X- Nanterre


mailing, João do Rio, João de Barros


The letters sent between 1912 and 1921 to the Portuguese Joao de Barros by Joao do Rio give evidence of a deep literary and personal bond between the two authors. Those letters provide important details on the living conditions and the relationship between press and literature in the early 20th century. They also portray the existing conjunction at the time beween literary life and politics in both Portugal and Brazil. Speaking in favor of a cultural approximation beween Portugal and Brazil, the two editors of Atlântida magazine did their utmost to create a cultural area known nowadays as lusofona. Written during a period which witnessed the strengthening of the nationalisms that lead to two World Wars in the past century, Joao do Rio's letters bring some original data about the relationship with Portugal and the Portuguese colony in Rio de Janeiro.


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Author Biography

Claudia Poncioni, Université de Paris X- Nanterre

Claudia Poncioni é Maitre de Conférences na Université de Paris X- Nanterre, autora de uma tese de doutorado
na Sorbonne sobre as crônicas políticas de Drummond no Correio da Manhã. Sua pesquisa atual orienta-se para
o estudo da literatura pessoal de expressão lusófona do século XX.



How to Cite

Poncioni, C. . (2007). "Muito d’Alma" . a amizade literária entre João do Rio e João de Barros, cartas de 1912 a 1921. Converência Lusíada, 21(24), 196–210. Retrieved from https://convergencia.emnuvens.com.br/rcl/article/view/560