The invisible archives of sapphic writers: the case of Renée Vivien, Judith Teixeira and Eunice Peregrina de Caldas




Sapphic poetry, Scavenger methodology, Eunice Peregrina de Caldas, Judith Teixeira, Renée Vivien


In the period that is considered the end of the Belle Époque - a period marked on the one hand by artistic and literary flourishing, but on the other by the various national and international political conflicts - little by little, much of the literary scene weakens, especially that of the homoerotic and feminine writings, said to be sapphic, due to repression and censorship movements between 1920-1930. But beyond the literary, we can attest to an almost total disappearance of primary order documents related to some of these women writers. This same picture is repeated in France, with documents related to Renée Vivien (1877-1909); in Portugal, with documents related to Judith Teixeira (1888-1959); and in Brazil, with documents related to Eunice Peregrina de Caldas (1879-1967). At various levels, access to the estates of these authors is, if not limited, completely non-existent. This article proposes to reflect on the «scavenger methodo­logy» proposed by Halberstam (2018) as a reconstruction process in order to fill some biobibliographical gaps.


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Author Biography

Julie Oliveira da Silva, Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3

É laureada de um contrato de doutorado em Literatura Francesa e Comparada na École Doctorale 120 da Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, onde é orientada por Mme. Claudine Le Blanc e co-orientada por M. Fernando Curopos. É membro do CERC - Centre d’Études et Recherches Comparatistes (EA 172). É mestre em Literatura Geral e Comparada pela mesma universidade. Sua pesquisa se concentra sobre escritoras e poetisas do final do século XIX e início do século XX em torno do tema sáfico. É graduada em Letras (Português/Francês) pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), quando participou de projeto de Iniciação Científica sob orientação de Eduardo da Cruz.


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How to Cite

Oliveira da Silva, J. (2023). The invisible archives of sapphic writers: the case of Renée Vivien, Judith Teixeira and Eunice Peregrina de Caldas. Converência Lusíada, 34(50), 82–121.