D.Sebastião e a Cidade do Paraíso Terrestre. Notas sobre o movimento sebastianista da Serra do Rodeador (1817-1820)


  • Jacquelin Hermann




This article discusscs some aspeccs of the Sebasrianisc movement of Serra do Rodeador chat took place in the inlands of Pernambuco between 1818 and 1820, being chus contemporary of the Pernambucan Revolurion of 1817. Leaded by desercers oflocal milicias, approximately 300 armed men founded the "Ciry of the Heavenly Paradise" and waited for the imminent return ofDom Sebastião and his mighry army. They expected that the arrival of Dom Sebastião would mark rhe beginning of an era of wealth and prosperiry and were ready to fight against rhose who might oppose the man they considered the only true king.
The goal of rhis arricle, which was conceived as part of our ongoing research project comparing Sebastianist movements in Brazil and Portugal, is to discuss the movement of Serra do Rodeador as bcing part of the so called "seditious triais" that have preceded the process rhat culminated in the political independence of Brazil in 1822.


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How to Cite

Hermann , J. (2002). D.Sebastião e a Cidade do Paraíso Terrestre. Notas sobre o movimento sebastianista da Serra do Rodeador (1817-1820). Converência Lusíada, 17(19), 207–219. Retrieved from https://convergencia.emnuvens.com.br/rcl/article/view/778



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