Enlaces e desenlaces entre mundo luso e mundo brasileiro na oratória sagrada do século XVII: Os sermões pregados por padre António de Sá, SJ, na Capela Real


  • Marina Massimi


História das idéias, oratória sagrada


Connections and disconnections between the Portuguese and Brazilian worlds in the sacecd oratory of the XVII cencury: che scrmons preached by Father Antonio de Sá, SJ, at the Royal Chapei.
Different kinds of conneccions bcrnreen thc Porcugucse and Brazilian univcrse were consticuted by the sacred oratory. These conncccions are even more significant when it's considered thc importance of che preaching as a powerful mean of religious, cultural, and political values cransmission, able to reach to the ancienc faraway sccclemenc.
The objcct of this rescarch is the analysis of some sermons preached by the Jesuit Father Antonio de Sá (1627-1678). The aim is to make cvidenc in this documents che "sacramental model" peculiar of thc XVI and XVII ccncuries sacred oratory. This model was pointed out by many auchors as a cypical structure of che catholic scrmon during thc Catholic Reformation. For the analysis undcrtaken in this rcsearch, the cultural history conccnc analysis method was used.
Sá was a royal prcacher and a professor, nacive from Rio de Janeiro, disciplc and friend ofFacher Antonio Vieira. Hc pronounced severa! sermons in differcnt occasions by the Portuguese court, until he was nominated as preacher ofHis Majescy. He refused this nomination for, as hc himself writes to the Hcad of the Society, he prefcrred co be engaged in che missions by che indians of Bahia Scacc wilderness.


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How to Cite

Massimi , M. (2002). Enlaces e desenlaces entre mundo luso e mundo brasileiro na oratória sagrada do século XVII: Os sermões pregados por padre António de Sá, SJ, na Capela Real . Converência Lusíada, 17(19), 318–332. Retrieved from https://convergencia.emnuvens.com.br/rcl/article/view/787



Relações Luso-Brasileiras, Enlaces e Desenlaces