About the Journal


Convergência Lusíada, ISSN 2316-6134,  is the journal of the research center at Real Gabinete Português de Leitura (“royal Portuguese cabinet of reading”), providing a forum for Portuguese literature and culture in Brazil and a space for interinstitutional and interdisciplinary dialogue in Portuguese-language literary studies. With an archive of more than 50 issues, the journal has consistently fulfilled its goal, publishing research papers by scholars from Portugal, Brazil, and elsewhere that build on the rich exchange of ideas between these and other Portuguese-speaking countries, especially from Africa.

We welcome submissions on Portuguese literature, literary relations between different Portuguese-speaking nations, and comparative studies among Portuguese and other literatures, especially those written in Portuguese. Each issue has a specific theme, which is divulged in the respective call for submissions. New issues are published every six months online. Articles should be between 21,000 and 28,000 characters long (around 15 to 20 pages); book reviews on the literatures of interest published in the previous two years should be between 4,200 and 7,000 characters long (around three to five pages); and interviews with writers, scholars, critics, and other actors involved with the literatures in question should be between 4200 and 7000 characters long (around three to five pages).

All manuscripts are screened by the executive committee for originality and eligibility (compliance with the editorial line) before they are sent to the editorial board and reviewers (using a double-blind review process), who may suggest changes to the structure and/or content of the manuscript.


Previously unpublished articles on the theme in question.

Previously unpublished articles on any topic of relevance to the journal.

Book reviews that are relevant to the area of literature published up to two years before the date of submission.

Interviews with figures of relevance to the theme of the dossier.

Short biographies; restricted to the guest editors and authors.


Submissions are read by two members of the editorial board / advisory board and two external reviewers who are experts in the areas or topics covered. A double-blind process is used in order to assure an unbiased evaluation of the manuscript based solely on its academic merit. If the reviewers have conflicting opinions on the submission, it is sent to a third reviewer, whose opinion guides the editors' final decision. Articles and reviews are appraised in the light of the following: fit with the scope; originality of the content; relevance to the area of research; adequacy of references; objectivity and clarity of expression; and appropriate use of technical and scientific language.


Convergência Lusíada publishes one volume per year comprising at least two issues, which are published, as of 2024, in January and July. Until 2023, each issue was published in June and November.


This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, except for commercial purposes.

The journal does not charge authors any article processing charges (APCs) or publication fees.

Convergência Lusíada makes all its content available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication and at no cost, based on the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available ensures greater democratization of knowledge around the world.


The journal is sponsored by Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and receives funding from two research groups – Polo de Pesquisas Luso-Brasileiras/CNPq and Polo de Pesquisas Literárias Luso-Brasileiras/CNPq – both of which are based at Real Gabinete Português de Leitura.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to ensure its distributed storage among participating libraries and enable them to create permanent copies of the journal for its preservation and restoration. Read more.


In harmony with good practices designed to strengthen ethical standards and accountability in scientific publication and communication, Convergência Lusíada strives to ensure its review processes are impartial, transparent, and democratic. The editor(s) and assistant editors are responsible for the publication of the issues of the journal.

Ethical Principles

Convergência Lusíada observes the guidelines set forth by Brazilian and international entities on good practices for publishers:


Authors must acknowledge and notify the editorial board of any conflict of interests in the submission document, providing details of its nature. A conflict of interests may be of a personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature. Conflicts of interests may occur between authors, reviewers, or editors.


The authenticity of submissions to Convergência Lusíada is checked using Plagium™.

Whenever similarities are detected between the submitted manuscript and another text, be it by the same author or by different authors, the submitting author will be notified and receive a report with the passages to be adjusted and/or justified. When similarity is observed with a dissertation or thesis by the author themself, they will be required to include a footnote indicating the origin of the article. Unresolved cases will be decided jointly by the members of the editorial board after receipt of the author’s response.


Convergência Lusíada complies with the I4OC for citations and is a member of CrossRef.


Convergência Lusíada is affiliated to ABEC Brasil (Brazilian association of scientific publishers) and a member of CrossRef.

Copies of the journal are kept in Portuguese libraries and in PORBASE, Portugal’s national database of bibliographic data.

The journal appears in Google Scholar metrics and is indexed in the following directories:
Diadorim: Diretório de Políticas das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras
Miguilim - Brazilian Directory of Scientific Journals (national directory)
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
DRJI - Directory of Research Journals Indexing
Periódicos Capes
Latindex - Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
ZDB Catálogo
Road - Portal ISSN
Erih Plus - European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras
Base - Bielefeld Academic Search
MIAR - Universitat de Barcelona


The online version of the journal Convergência Lusíada is a continuation of the print version, first published in 1976. It was set up with the aim of divulging Portuguese literature and culture in Brazil and fostering interinstitutional and interdisciplinary dialogue around the Portuguese language. In the more than 50 issues published since these beginnings, Convergência Lusíada has consistently achieved this goal, publishing research papers by scholars from Portugal, Brazil, and elsewhere that build on the rich exchange of ideas among these and other Portuguese-speaking countries, especially from Africa.

In 2011, when Convergência Lusíada migrated from print to online, it expanded its remit to encompass reflections on Portuguese-language literatures and cultures. This expanded focus is consistent with the growing – and much welcome – exchange of ideas between different Portuguese-speaking countries, especially since the transition to more democratic, open forms of government. Placing emphasis on Portuguese literary studies and how they interact with other literatures in Portuguese, the journal also welcomes comparative studies with literatures in other languages and interdisciplinary studies that focus on Portuguese-language cultures.


Message from Dr. António Gomes da Costa, former chairman of RGPL (1992-2016):

The world never stops turning, and nor does the Portuguese world. That was the message in an advertisement for a transportation company that used to be broadcast on national radio in Brazil. It is something worth remembering now that Convergência Lusíada, the Journal published by Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, is moving online and commencing a new phase of its existence. Technological progress and the need to employ the most appropriate channel to reach our readers (not “readers hands’,” as was originally written) have driven this change, which, we are convinced, will lead to swifter and broader access to the journal, even if our older readers may miss the touch and feel of the printed page.

We hope our readers approve of this initiative and appreciate the hard work of everyone behind this publication, who have over the years put their creativity and skill at the service of spreading the values of Atlantic culture both in their university work and in the research center on Portuguese-Brazilian relations.

We salute all those in charge of the research group and those who work at Convergência Lusíada for preparing for and taking this important step into the future.


Under the current management of Dr. Francisco Gomes da Costa (since 2016), the journal has maintained the same focus and scope, while consistently seeking to incorporate technical improvements to enhance its quality and boost its circulation in Brazil and around the world.


Qualis Periódicos index for ISSN 2316-6134 (Convergência Lusíada online):

Four years from 2017 to 2020, B2
Four years from 2013 to 2016, B2
Three years from 2010 to 2012, B1