RETURN O Retorno of Dulce Maria Cardoso: altered memory or the leftovers of the Empire




Returnees, conquest, colonization, Angola, Portugal


O Retorno, by Dulce Maria Cardoso, is a novel that is inscribed in this very specific framework of “narratives of returnees”. In the reverse of the memories of conquest and colonization, the return trip to continental Portugal left a dramatic balance in those who experienced this peculiar form of banishment. Because, to tell the truth, the term “returnee” was often an illegitimate label, since most of the young Portuguese of the sec­ond or third generation of settlers in Africa had never been there and, for them, Portugal was limited to the abstract knowledge of national history that the school transmitted to them. Dulce Maria Cardoso, in 1975, was one of these returnees.


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Author Biography

Teresa Cristina Cerdeira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) / CNPq

É professora emérita da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e pesquisadora 1A do CNPq. Foi Regente da Cátedra Jorge de Sena da UFRJ entre 2005 e 2012, período em que foi também editora da Revista Metamorfoses. É autora dos seguintes livros de ensaios de literatura portuguesa: José Saramago: entre a história e a ficção, uma saga de portugueses (1989, 2019); O avesso do bordado (2000); A tela da dama (2013); A mão que escreve (2014); Formas de ler (2020).


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How to Cite

Cerdeira, T. C. (2024). RETURN O Retorno of Dulce Maria Cardoso: altered memory or the leftovers of the Empire. Converência Lusíada, 35(51), 50–64.